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Safe and Considerate Driving (SCD)

Home > Police Referred Course > NDORS Courses > Safe and Considerate Driving (SCD)

So that there will never be a next time

It is offered as an alternative to punishment for drivers and riders who police feel can be motivated to make better driving decisions and avoid future potentially more serious mistakes through advice and education.

Unlike our other NDORS courses, the SCD course includes an element of practical, in-vehicle coaching as well as theory. But it’s all delivered to the same engaging and informative standard by TTC’s expert and knowledgeable trainers.

The SCD course is part of the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) which is licensed by UKROEd. It is a behavioural change course for people who been involed in a collision, which increases awareness and understanding of the causes and negative consequences of risky and inconsiderate driving.

Location: Combined theory workshop and in-vehicle coaching.

Duration: 7.5 hours, including a theory workshop (3 hours) and in-vehicle on-road coaching (3.5 hours)

A car will be provided for the coaching

Flexible payment options available

Weekend courses available

What’s in it for drivers

TTC Icons 32 Driver Behaviour Attitude (alt)

Become a safer, better informed driver

TTC Icons 14 Driving Licence (alt)

Attendance is NOT a conviction

TTC Icons 59 Legal Police Legislation Conviction (alt)

You will not need to go to court

TTC Icons 36 Venue Classroom Building Office (alt)

Local venues across England, Scotland and Wales

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Don’t just take it from us

Read what other drivers thought about attending one of our SCD courses.

Course information

This course is only for people who have been referred by the police to attend a Safe and Considerate Driving course. It is only offered to car drivers who have not taken a Safe and Considerate Driving course, a What’s Driving Us? course or a National Rider Risk Awareness Course in the three years prior to their most recent offence​.

Can I change my course booking?

Providing there is sufficient time within the deadline given by the police, you can change your course once you have booked. There may be a rearrangement fee for changing your course, which is outlined in our course terms and conditions . Amend your booking using the same UKROEd portal as you used to book your original course.

The format of the course

The Safe and Considerate Driving course is a full day in-person course with on-road training included. There is no police involvement, and you don’t need to bring your own vehicle as a fully insured car will be provided. Apart from an eyesight check before the on-road coaching, there is no test which you can pass or fail. We only ask that you engage fully with the course content and stay until the end.

Original photo ID

You must produce your valid photocard driving licence in order to attend the course. If you have the old-style paper licence then you will need to produce this, along with another form of photo ID. If you cannot produce your valid driving licence you will need to bring photo ID, mobile phone and your national insurance number so that an eligibility check can be completed by the trainer.
Check the terms and conditions on our resources page for more details.

Offering additional support

TTC strives to create an inclusive and respectful learning environment that accommodates all individuals’ unique needs and backgrounds.

To ensure that you get the most out of attending your course with TTC, please let us know if you have any specific requirements that we can help you with.

Bringing an interpreter

The course is only available in English and Welsh languages. If you think your English language skills might restrict your ability to complete the course, or affect your experience, we recommend you make arrangements for an interpreter to help you. Although it is your responsibility to do this, we will need to know who this person is as they will also need to provide ID. They need to be at least 16 years old. Check out our advice page for all the information you need.

Read more about this course

Can I fail the Safe and Considerate Driving course?

As long as you complete the course satisfactorily you cannot fail. This means you must:

  • Attend the full session.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to have more positive attitude to road safety.
  • Make a positive contribution to the course.

If you do not manage all these requirements, you will be considered to have not completed the course in a satisfactory way and your case may be referred back to the police.

How long is a Safe and Considerate Driving course?

The course consists of a three-hour theory session carried out in a classroom by a licensed NDORS trainer followed by a practical on-road coaching session of 3.5 hours with an approved driving instructor.

All sessions start promptly. You need to be settled and ready to start at the time stated on your joining instructions. Please make sure you plan your route to the venue as you will not be allowed entry if you are too late.

How to book a Safe and Considerate Driving course

Booking is easy. Simply press the Book now button anywhere on this page and it will take you to the UKROEd website where you can type in the reference and PIN number from your police referral letter and, when prompted, select TTC as your provider.

You will be able to browse the available course dates, times and locations.

Don’t forget to tell us if you think you’ll special requirements on the day.

Once you have booked and paid, you’ll get a confirmation email from us with all the details you need about joining your course.

Payment options

We offer a range of course payment options to best meet your needs, including scheduled payments. We accept payments by all major debit and credit cards, cheques, postal orders, banker’s drafts, cash, BACS transfer and mobile banking apps.

Arriving at your course

It is vital to be at your course on time so that the trainer has time to introduce themselves, check your ID and register your attendance.

Eyesight check

You will need to read a number plate from a distance of 20.5m (67ft) before the on-road practical. If you fail the eyesight test this will result in non-completion of the course and you will need to rebook if there is sufficient time within the deadline set by the police. This will be subject to a rearrangement fee as per our terms and conditions. If you are unable to rebook your course your file will be passed back to the referring force for their consideration.

On-road tuition

The second half of the day is a practical session in a car with an approved driving instructor and one other attendee. This will be your trainer’s vehicle, so you must inform us if you need a manual or automatic car when you book. If for any reason you wish to use your own specially adapted vehicle, you must make TTC aware at least 10 working days before your course date because it will need to undergo a risk assessment.

Locations, dates & times

We offer a comprehensive choice of course dates, locations and start times, including weekends. This gives you the best opportunity of completing your course within the date limit set by your referring police force.

Areas covered

TTC delivers SCD courses in the following police force areas: Avon & Somerset, Cumbria, Devon & Cornwall, Gwent, North Wales, North Yorkshire, Northamptonshire, Scotland, South Wales, South Yorkshire, West Mercia, West Yorkshire & Wiltshire.

Accommodating people with additional needs

We will make every effort to accommodate any special requirements you have, providing you tell us in advance. If you have already booked and haven’t yet informed us of any special requirements you have, please contact us.

Terms & conditions

Click here to download and read our complete terms and conditions for this course.

Got another question?

We have a huge number of answers to your questions. Check out our special page for FAQs and other resources.

call centre

Need help booking your SCD course? Our friendly agents can give you a hand.