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TTC goes back to school with OneSchool Global

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TTC Group | OneSchool Global in-car distraction

TTC Group has completed a very worthwhile and rewarding road safety programme for OneSchool Global.

OneSchool Global operate 125 campuses across 20 countries teaching their pupils the relevant national curriculum and now include the subject of road safety for their year 10 to 12 pupils (15 to 18 years of age).  This programme involves the delivery of online interactive workshops to over 1,200 pupils across mainland Europe and focuses on what is often referred to as the ‘Fatal Four’ which is excess speed, mobile phone distractions, drink driving and lack of seatbelt use. 

The project  leader of OneSchool for this programme commented: “We first engaged with TTC a couple of years ago and were about to launch the project delivering face to face workshops across Europe just as the pandemic hit. Throughout this time, I’ve maintained contact with Andy at TTC and we heard about the success TTC had in delivering speed awareness courses online for the police and decided to use this delivery method. We recognise that driving is a life skill and we want to make sure our children are taking to the roads and being as safe as possible and we have been pleased to be able to deliver a program virtually, amidst the pandemic.”

“We asked TTC to create an annual programme covering seven European nations. TTC has created a teacher led road safety programme for our year 10 pupils consisting of a 2.5 hour online interactive workshop with online workbooks for pupils to complete throughout. They have also developed a 2.5 hour refresher course for the year 12 pupils, some of which would be starting their driving lessons, so the timing is perfect for them.  Again, these pupils use another workbook which follows on from the previous year as the pupils are asked to complete and record tasks post workshop”

Andy Wheeler Profile

Andy Wheeler, Head of Technical Delivery at TTC (pictured) said: “I can honestly say this has been one of the most rewarding projects I have worked on.  Havin g spent most of my career working in road safety either through my service on Roads Policing or as a driving instructor delivering training to learners and experienced business drivers, I have seen first hand the aftermath of poor decision making involving the fatal four.” 

“We know that young drivers are over represented in the collision stats and the sad reality is that many young people needlessly die on our roads by making the wrong decisions and OneSchool Global are doing exactly the right thing, ensuring their children approach driving as a life skill driven, excuse the pun, by the appropriate attitude and decision making process”

Steve Hyland, of Business Connections Live said: “The aim of the filming was to capture the real need for road safety training and the raw emotion from experienced road safety professionals. Filming members of the TTC team, involving a Dr of Psychology and ex traffic police has been very moving. West Midlands Police have been so supportive with their time and contribution towards the making of this film, which will be shared with thousands of people across the globe.”

Andy went onto say: “Our lead course designer, Martin Starkey, has done a brilliant job in creating the training material, which is bright, interactive and fully engaging.” 

Martin added: “Because this programme was delivered online, the content had to be designed for this delivery, as well as being applicable to other European nations and not purely on the UK.  The feedback has been brilliant.  The trainers have enjoyed delivering the sessions and the real plus, is that the 97.8% of the students would recommend the course to others.”

The project leader of OneSchool for this programme  concluded:

“The feedback has been very positive from both pupils and staff alike and our sister company OneBus, who manage our school transport will be reviewing their current training plans.  The whole team at OneSchool Global have worked well with everyone at TTC, from course design reviews to scheduling the workshops throughout Europe.  We now look forward to delivering next years’ courses and having safer drivers out on the road.”

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Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group