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RoadPeace ‘School Day’ Community Engagement

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Schools and local communities are encouraged to join the Andy Cox Challenge 2022 for ‘School Day’ 17th May 2022.

Join in during the RoadPeace Andy Cox Challenge 2022 week, on day two to help raise awareness of the dangers of speeding to children.

How far will you go to save lives on our roads?

‘School Day’ on the 17th May 2022 is an opportunity for Police and Local Authorities to involve schools and  communities in the RoadPeace Andy Cox Challenge 2022.

In 2020, 41 children (age 0-15) were killed, 1,578 were seriously injured and 7,552 were slightly injured in collisions on the UK’s roads.  This is despite the restrictions on travel, school closures and the requirement for the public to stay at home during much of 2020, to manage the Covid-19 pandemic.

Schools are being asked to gather children and/or parents and teachers in the playground or school hall to represent the number of people killed and injured on their county’s roads in 2020 (all casualties or just children, depending on local figures).

The aim is to create impact and to help raise local awareness of how many children are killed or injured on our roads.  All schools participating in ‘School Day’ are asked to help promote and share their activities on social media using the hashtags: #AndyCoxChallenge, #Schools, #Children and #TalkAboutRoadDeath

Sadly, five people die, on average, every day on the UK’s roads, with more than 60 people seriously injured, on average, every day.

Globally, road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5-29 years.

RoadPeace have prepared a support pack to help Police Forces, Local Authorities and Schools participate in ‘School Day’, which is available to download.

TTC proudly announced as Gold Sponsors of the upcoming high-profile national roads policing event The Andy Cox Challenge, demonstrating its commitment to the reduction of deaths and injuries on the UK’s roads.

TTC Protecting People on the Move rosette
YouTube video

Find out more about the support that RoadPeace provide to the families of road casualty victims, and the incredible work that RoadPeace undertake to make UK roads safer for everyone.

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

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