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Proposed changes to The Highway Code published

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In 2021 it was announced that The Highway Code will be updated following the input of thousands of drivers, motoring groups and transport organisations in an effort to make UK roads safer.

Proposed changes are now available to view on the GOV.UK website

Table of changes to The Highway Code

Key updates include:

  • The Official Highway Code - front coverStrengthened pedestrian priority on pavements and when crossing or waiting to cross the road
  • Strengthened priority to cyclists when travelling straight ahead at junctions
  • Clearer advice on where to stop in an emergency
  • The importance of not driving in a lane closed by a Red X
  • The use of variable speed limits to manage congestion
  • Updated guidance on key factors that contribute to safety-related incidents, such as driving while tired, unroadworthy vehicles, safe towing, tailgating and driving in roadworks

The new version of The Highway Code is due to be published in early 2022.

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