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Wellbeing webinars

Staff webinars covering a range of topics to help improve wellbeing and encourage healthy lives. Wellbeing starts with well beings.

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Developing Mental Resilience Webinar

Mental resilience is something that can truly make a difference in our lives, both personally and professionally. This webinar is packed with practical advice, and encouragement to help us face life’s challenges with more confidence and strength.

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Delivered 11th August 2023 by Westfield Health’s Mark Pinches, Head of Coaching.

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During TTC’s Women’s Health month, this webinar discussed:

  • The specific health challenges facing women.
  • Identifying common female health signs and symptoms.
  • Knowing how to manage the symptoms and stay healthy.
  • Women and cancer.
  • Screening, early warning signs, and prevention.
  • What help is out there?
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Delivered May 2023 by Westfield Health’s Liz Preece, Workplace Wellbeing Course Facilitator.

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Throughout February 2023, we will be breaking down the stigmas surrounding men’s health – it’s a ‘man thing”! 

This webinar is designed for all men, young or old, to support you in adopting a more proactive approach to managing your health. It focuses on the main areas that can impact on a man’s health.

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Delivered February 2023 by Westfield Health’s Mark Pinches, Head of Coaching.

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In this webinar, we look at:

  • The link between money and happiness.
  • Why money and our finances can be a health issue.
  • The money/well-being paradox.
  • Economic security and life balance.
  • Positive thinking and money.
  • Money Mindset – changing the way we think about money.
  • Practical steps towards “Economic piece of mind”.
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Delivered November 2022 by Westfield Health’s Mark Pinches, Head of Coaching.

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In this webinar, we look at:

  • Understanding what domestic abuse is.
  • Identifying the different forms of domestic abuse.
  • How to spot signs of abuse.
  • What we can do to support those being abused and to help prevent abusive behaviour.
  • The legislation to help tackle domestic abuse, including Clare’s Law and Sarah’s Law.

Delivered July 2022

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For the month of May, we will be breaking down the stigmas surrounding men’s health – it’s a ‘man thing”! 

This webinar is designed for all men, young or old, to support you in adopting a more proactive approach to managing your health. It focuses on the main areas that can impact on a man’s health.

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Delivered May 2022 by Westfield Health’s Mark Pinches, Head of Coaching.

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In this bespoke 1-hour webinar, TTC Regional Coordinators Linsey Brown and Dave Barrell discuss the impacts of alcohol upon our health and wellbeing.  The webinar will extend your knowledge on:

  • Unit calculation, alcohol strengths etc
  • Absorption & Elimination (including when safe to drive, or indeed go to work). Clear up some commonly held myths.
  • Short-term and long-term health effects on the body from alcohol consumption.
  • AUDIT questionnaire and associated definitions, Binge drinking etc.

Delivered March 2022.

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Understanding the menopause and gaining insight into how it affects people directly and indirectly.  We take a look at how the menopause process starts, its impact upon a woman’s body, and steps that can be taken to help manage the changes.

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Delivered February 2022 by Westfield Health’s Liz Preece, Workplace Wellbeing Course Facilitator.